Indian Institute Of Management Sambalpur

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Executive PhD IIM Sambalpur & DBA IAE - Bordeaux University School of Management (Dual Degree /C0-Diplomation)
Program at a Glance

About the Program
ExPhD DBA Admission 2024 is offered in the following area of specialization:
Area of Specialization :

  • Organizational Behavior& Human Resource Management
  • Finance & Accounting Management
  • Operations Management
  • Economics
  • Policy & Strategic Management
  • Information System Management
  • Marketing Management

Program Structure :

First Year – Course Work
Principles of Business Research
1. Sustainability Finance & Financial Markets
2. Financial Information, Accounting, Reporting and Control
3. Corporate Governance
4. Management of Business Models, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Strategy
5. Intercultural & Project Management
6. Human Resources and Organizational Behaviour
7. International Business Economics
8. Marketing and Commerce in an International Context
Epistemology and Methodology :
1. Introduction to Management Research
2. Quantitative Methods Applied to Management Science + use of software R
3. Qualitative Methods Applied to Management Science + software Nvivo
4. Creating Research Output/Academic Writing & Publishing
Second Year- Research Project and writing
Practice in Business Research
1. Research proposal
2. Verification of progress with the research
3. Preliminary presentation of thesis
Third Year - Thesis
Presentation of Thesis
1. Dissertation
2. Oral presentation