Dr. Bhairab Chandra Patra received his PhD in Management/Entrepreneurship from the Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee in 2022.
Dr. Bhairab is a result-driven professional with a unique combination of dynamic personality, technical skills, and the ability to keep on upgrading the skillset according to evolving needs. His objective is to grow endlessly in leadership and knowledge, excel in innovative technology application, interact share and develop world class solutions to real-world challenges in entrepreneurship. He has worked on identifying, imbibing, and strengthening factors that influence entrepreneurial intentions in women, so that they can develop their own entrepreneurial ventures. He has worked on decision-making techniques like NGT, AHP and Dematel for identifying, ranking and prioritizing the factors. He has also conducted exploratory research using Amos, SmartPLS and SPSS.
Before joining IIM Sambalpur, he has been associated with Woxsen University and O.P Jindal Global University, Sonipat as full-time faculty in the area of Entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship and Business Development
Business and Technology
Business Plan Implementation
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Principles of Management
Corporate Entrepreneurship
- Patra, B. C. (2023) Cognitive analysis of Entrepreneurial Intentions of Individual using global entrepreneurship monitor (GEM) survey India. Patent and Design Journal (India).
Journal Publications
- Patra, B. C., & Lenka, U. (2018) Entrepreneurial Intentions of Women: A literature review. Studia i Materiały/Wydział Zarządzania. Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2, 111-125.
- Patra, B. C., & Lenka, U. (2021) An AHP analysis of scientometrically derived factors of entrepreneurial intentions of women and constructing a conceptual research framework. Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. (ABDC- B) (Q2)
- Patra, B. C., & Lenka, U. (2022) Barriers to entrepreneurial intentions of women: Nominal group technique, analytic hierarchy process, and scientometric approach instigating the necessity of policy intervention. Journal of Public Affairs, 22(2), e2429. (ABDC- B) (Q1)
- Patra, B. C., & Lenka, U. (2023) Scientometric, Fuzzy NGT and Dematel analysis for Determining Sustainable Business Practices for Entrepreneurial firms. Benchmarking: An International Journal. (ABDC- B) (Q1)
- Patra, B. C., & Mishra, D. N., (2023) Boosting Entrepreneurial Intentions: A Novel EEG-Guided Protocol. MethodX. (Scopus) (Q2)
- Patra, B. C., & Lenka, U. (2024) Inculcating Entrepreneurial Intentions in Women under Adverse Conditions: A Comparative Expert and Exploratory Approach. Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. (ABDC- B) (Q2)
Book Publications
- Patra, B. C., & Mishra, D. N., (2024) Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and E-waste Management - A Roadmap for Entrepreneurs. Sustainable Solutions for E-Waste and Development, IGI Global. ISBN13: 9798369310182. (Scopus)
- Mishra, D. N., & Patra, B. C., (2024) E-Waste Dilemma: Unravelling the Heath and Equity Issues. Sustainable Solutions for E-Waste and Development, IGI Global. ISBN13: 9798369310182. (Scopus)
National and International Conference Publications
- Patra, B. C., & Lenka, U. (2017) Entrepreneurial Intentions of Women: A literature review, Entrepreneurship for XXI century. Images and perspectives at Warsaw University, 15-16 November 2017.
- Patra, B. C., & Lenka, U. (2017) A Conceptual Framework on Intrapersonal Communication of Women Entrepreneurs, International Conference on Research and Business Sustainability (ICRBS) jointly organized by IIT Roorkee, Sheffield Hallam University, UK and Waikato Management School, New Zealand, 16-17 December 2017.
- Patra, B. C., & Lenka, U. (2018) Sustainable Fly-ash Brick Industry Model for a Greener Future, National Conference on Intellectual Property and Entrepreneurship (NCIPE-2018) at the Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee on 19th March 2018.
- Patra, B. C., & Lenka, U. (2019) Barriers to Women Entrepreneurial Intentions: An AHP Approach, 10th Conference on Excellence in Research and Education (CERE 2019) at Indian Institute of Management Indore from 03-05 May 2019.
- Patra, B. C., & Lenka, U. (2019) Constructing a Robust Research Framework of Entrepreneurial Intentions of Women, 19th Global Conference on Flexible Systems Management (GLOGIFT-19) at Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee from 06-08 December 2019.
- Patra, B. C., & Lenka, U. (2020) Upliftment Through Efficient Marketing Strategies, Rural Entrepreneurship and Tourism in North-Eastern States of India, 10th IEOM International Conference held in Dubai, UAE from 10-12 March 2020. (Scopus)
- Bhagyam, S., & Patra, B. C. (2022) Rural Entrepreneurship in Telangana, DigITS Conference 2022 at Woxsen University, Hyderabad, from 29-30 October 2022. (Best Paper Award)
- Patra, B. C., & Lenka, U. (2022) Bibliometric Review of Articles on Entrepreneurial Intentions of Women, Shaping the Future of Management Education for Sustainable Emerging Economies International Conference (SFME) jointly organized by IIT Roorkee and Arizona State University, USA from 20-22 November 2022.
- Patra, B. C., & Lenka, U. (2022) The research focus of academicians in encouraging women entrepreneurship: A 30-year scientometric review with thematic analysis and NGT, ICRIEMSD-2022 organized by School of Management OP Jindal University, Raigarh in Association with ICRC AIMA, New Delhi and Jose Maria College of Foundation Inc., Philippines from 25th-26th November 2022.
- Singh, M. and Patra, B. C. (2022) India and International Relations: Covid Scenario, India and Post Covid-19 International Prospects and Challenges organized by Woxsen University in association with Forum of Global Studies from 14-15 December 2022.
- Patra, B.C. (2024) Resilience Unveiled: Navigating Women's Entrepreneurial Intentions in the Post-COVID Era, 9th PAN IIM WMC 2024 organized by IIM Sambalpur from 22nd – 24th January, 2024.
- Patra, B.C. and Bhardwaj, M (2024) India in Geo-political Relations: An Analysis of Pre and Post Pandemic Situations, New Paradigms of Business Management in the Era of Analytics, Sustainaibility and Innovation organized by Amity Business School, Noida.
Conferences/Conclaves/Summit attended as Delegate/Speaker
- Attended the conference “Business Excellence for Sustaining High Performance” organized by Indian Society for Training and Development (ISTD) Dehradun Chapter held on 8th & 9th December 2017.
- Attended the “12th Annual Indian Management Conclave (IMC)” held at IIM Kozhikode as a Speaker on 9th – 10th December 2022.
- Attended “QS India Summit 2023” held on 19th -21st February 2023.
Delivered International Seminar on the topic “Entrepreneurship and the Innovative Environment of South India” to students at University of Brazil, Brazil.
Delivered a research session on “Bibliometric Analysis” at Vishwakarma University, Pune.
Coordinator for Crafts Incubation Centre sponsored by SIDBI.
Faculty coordinator for 5-day IDE bootcamp by AICTE at IIM Sambalpur.
Project Manager – Entrepreneurship at Trade Tower (Incubator of Woxsen University).
Chair Professorship - “Jean-Luc Boulnois Chair Professor of Entrepreneurship” (Woxsen University)