Dr. SaumyaRanjan Sahoo specializes in Production and Operations Management. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Power Electronics Engineering and a Master's degree in Technology Management, having achieved university rank in both disciplines. He obtained his Ph.D. in Production and Operations Management from the School of Petroleum Management at Pandit Deendayal Energy University.
As an avid researcher, he has disseminated his research results in internationally recognized ABDC and CABS ranked journals. His research interests encompass Production Planning and Scheduling, Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things, and Manufacturing Sustainability. He has been recognized as being in the top 2% of scientists globally for the years 2023 and 2024, as endorsed by Stanford University and Elsevier.
Prior joining IIM Sambalpur, he was employed at Jaipuria Institute of Management in Jaipur and Mudra Institute of Communication in Ahmedabad. Furthermore, he possesses five years of industry experience across various operational sectors, including consulting, manufacturing, and exporting. In his leisure time, he enjoys long drives in his Volkswagen, playing professional badminton, observing the sky through a telescope, honing guitar-playing proficiency, and exploring a diverse array of fictional literature.
Operations Management I/II
Total Quality Management
Quantitative Techniques
Operations Research
Technology & Innovation Management
Artificial Intelligence Capability, Open Innovation, and Business Performance – Empirical Insights from B2B Manufacturers”- Authors:
Saumyaranjan Sahoo, Satish Kumar, Naveen Donthu; Journal:
Industrial Marketing Management (
ABDC “A*” Rated, CABS “3” Rated), 2024.
“Strengthening Supply Chain Visibility with Blockchain: A PRISMA-Based Review” Author/s:
Saumyaranjan Sahoo, Ashwani Kumar, Ruchi Mishra, Prasoon Tripathi; Journal:
IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management (
ABDC “A” Rated, CABS “3” Rated), 2024.
“Industry 4.0 Deployment for Circular Economy Performance - Understanding the Role of Green Procurement and Remanufacturing Activities”- Authors:
Saumyaranjan Sahoo, Suresh Jakhar; Journal:
Business Strategy and the Environment (
ABDC “A” Rated, CABS “3” Rated), 2023.
Assessing the impact of stakeholder pressure and green data analytics on firm's environmental performance – understanding the role of green knowledge management and green technological innovativeness” Author:
Saumyaranjan Sahoo; Journal:
R&D Management (
ABDC “A” Rated, CABS “3” Rated), 2023.
Circular Economy Practices and Environmental Performance: Analysing the Role of Big Data Analytics Capability and Responsible Research & Innovation”- Author/s:
Saumyaranjan Sahoo, Anil Kumar, Arvind Upadhyay; Journal:
Business Strategy and the Environment (
ABDC “A” Rated, CABS “3” Rated), 2023.
Big Data Management Activities for Sustainable Business Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from the Indian Pharmaceutical Sector” Authors:
Saumyaranjan Sahoo, Ashwani Kumar, Mani Venkatesh, VG Venkatesh, Sachin Kamble; Journal:
IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management (
ABDC “A” Rated, CABS “3” Rated), 2022.
“How Green Knowledge Management and Green Technology Innovation Impact Corporate Environmental Performance? – Understanding the Role of Green Knowledge Acquisition”- Author/s:
Saumyaranjan Sahoo, Anil Kumar, Arvind Upadhyay; Journal:
Business Strategy and the Environment (
ABDC “A” Rated, CABS “3” Rated), 2023.
Past, Present and Future of Deep Learning Applications for Manufacturing Operations: A Systematic Review” Author/s:
Saumyaranjan Sahoo; Satish Kumar; Suresh Kumar Jakhar; Mohammad Zoynul Abedin; Journal:
Journal of Enterprise Information Management (
ABDC “A” Rated, CABS “2” Rated), 2023.
Distance is no longer a barrier to healthcare services: A systematic literature review of telehealth research in top-tier business journals” Author/s:
Saumyaranjan Sahoo, Junali Sahoo, Satish Kumar, Weng Marc Lim, Nisreen Ameen; Journal:
Internet Research (
ABDC “A” Rated, CABS “3” Rated), 2023.
Religion as a social shaping force in entrepreneurship and business: Insights from a technology-empowered systematic literature review” Authors: Satish Kumar,
Saumyaranjan Sahoo, Weng Marc Lim, Léo Paul Dana; Journal:
Technological Forecasting and Social Change (
ABDC “A” Rated, CABS “3” Rated), 2022.
The Rise of Complexity Theory and fsQCA technique in Business Management Research: A Meta-Analytic Investigation” Author/s: Satish Kumar,
Saumyaranjan Sahoo, Sascha Kraus, Weng Marc Lim, Umesh Bamel; Journal:
Technological Forecasting and Social Change (
ABDC “A” Rated, CABS “3” Rated), 2022.
Big Data Analytics in Manufacturing: A Bibliometric Analysis of Research in the Field of Business Management”- Authors:
Saumyaranjan Sahoo; Journal:
International Journal of Production Research (
ABDC “A*” Rated, CABS “3” Rated), 2022.
Blockchain for Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Trends and Ways Forward”- Author/s
: Saumyaranjan Sahoo, Satish Kumar, Marc, J. Christopher Westland, Uthayasankar Sivarajah, Ashwani Kumar; Journal:
Electronic Commerce Research (
ABDC “A” Rated, CABS “2” Rated), 2022.
Management Development Program on Operational Leadership for Middle-Level Managers of Indian Oil Corporation (16-17 January 2024)
Management Development Program on Operational Efficiency for Middle-Level Managers of Vaibhav Global Limited (27-29 December 2023)