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Atri Sengupta
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Associate Professor – Organizational Behaviour & Human Resource Management
Chairperson – MBA Programme (2022 – present; 2017 – 2020)
Atri Sengupta is currently affiliated with the area of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management at Indian Institute of Management Sambalpur (IIM Sambalpur) since 2017. Prior joining to IIM Sambalpur, she was affiliated with Indian Institute of Management Raipur (IIM Raipur) from 2014 to 2017. Her research interests include leadership, self-regulation, employment relationships, talent management with special focus on inter-disciplinary research.
Some of her research papers have been appeared in leading journals that are listed under FT50 and ABDC. Some of those journals include Journal of Management Studies (FT50), Journal of Business Ethics (FT50), Journal of Knowledge Management, Journal of Behavioural and Experimental Finance, Journal of Society and Business Review, Journal of Management & Organization, etc. She has also published management case studies in Ivey, Emerald Emerging Market.
She has a two-decade of work experience in teaching, training, and consulting. She is certified on psychometric tests. She works closely with industry and practitioners as a researcher, a behavioural, and leadership trainer and coach (mindfulness and life coach), and an independent consultant. Such connectedness gives her enormous opportunity to work on academia-practice gap and experiment on teaching pedagogy.
PhD from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (IIT-KGP)
Awards Received:
1. The Case Centre’s Awards and Competition 2024: Winner of the Human Resource Management / Organisational Behaviour award category. The case was nominated by Ivey to the competition.
https://www.iveypublishing.ca/s/news/ivey-publishing-cases-the-case-centre-awards-competitions-2024- MCEX27CE2CZ5FOPAZAZFD65ZUQ4I
2. Emerald Literati Awards 2022 for outstanding paper.
Professional Affiliations & Memberships:
Academy of Management (AOM): OB and Research Methodology Divisions
Professional Services:
1. Chair of Award Committee: Co-Chair, AOM OB Best Paper with International Implication Award (AOM Annual Meeting 2024)
2. Member of Award Committee: AOM OB Best Paper with International Implication Award (AOM Annual Meeting 2023, 2022)
3. Reviewing: Reviewing articles for various journals and conferences regularly. Some of them include Journal of Business Ethics, AOM Annual Meeting (both OB and Research Methodology Divisions)
Chairperson – MBA Programme (2022 – present; 2017 – 2020)
Atri Sengupta is currently affiliated with the area of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management at Indian Institute of Management Sambalpur (IIM Sambalpur) since 2017. Prior joining to IIM Sambalpur, she was affiliated with Indian Institute of Management Raipur (IIM Raipur) from 2014 to 2017. Her research interests include leadership, self-regulation, employment relationships, talent management with special focus on inter-disciplinary research.
Some of her research papers have been appeared in leading journals that are listed under FT50 and ABDC. Some of those journals include Journal of Management Studies (FT50), Journal of Business Ethics (FT50), Journal of Knowledge Management, Journal of Behavioural and Experimental Finance, Journal of Society and Business Review, Journal of Management & Organization, etc. She has also published management case studies in Ivey, Emerald Emerging Market.
She has a two-decade of work experience in teaching, training, and consulting. She is certified on psychometric tests. She works closely with industry and practitioners as a researcher, a behavioural, and leadership trainer and coach (mindfulness and life coach), and an independent consultant. Such connectedness gives her enormous opportunity to work on academia-practice gap and experiment on teaching pedagogy.
PhD from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (IIT-KGP)
Awards Received:
1. The Case Centre’s Awards and Competition 2024: Winner of the Human Resource Management / Organisational Behaviour award category. The case was nominated by Ivey to the competition.
https://www.iveypublishing.ca/s/news/ivey-publishing-cases-the-case-centre-awards-competitions-2024- MCEX27CE2CZ5FOPAZAZFD65ZUQ4I
2. Emerald Literati Awards 2022 for outstanding paper.
Professional Affiliations & Memberships:
Academy of Management (AOM): OB and Research Methodology Divisions
Professional Services:
1. Chair of Award Committee: Co-Chair, AOM OB Best Paper with International Implication Award (AOM Annual Meeting 2024)
2. Member of Award Committee: AOM OB Best Paper with International Implication Award (AOM Annual Meeting 2023, 2022)
3. Reviewing: Reviewing articles for various journals and conferences regularly. Some of them include Journal of Business Ethics, AOM Annual Meeting (both OB and Research Methodology Divisions)
Courses Taught in MBA / Executive MBA:
Organizational Behaviour I (Core)
Organizational Behaviour II (Core)
Managing People and Performance (Core)
Competency & Talent Management (Elective)
Performance Management System (Elective)
Strategic HRM (Elective)
Courses Taught in Doctoral Programme:
Qualitative Research Inquiry (Core)
Critical Research Issues in Management (Doctoral Elective)
Cross-disciplinary Research for Leveraging Organizational Effectiveness (Doctoral Elective)
Organizational Behaviour I (Core)
Organizational Behaviour II (Core)
Managing People and Performance (Core)
Competency & Talent Management (Elective)
Performance Management System (Elective)
Strategic HRM (Elective)
Courses Taught in Doctoral Programme:
Qualitative Research Inquiry (Core)
Critical Research Issues in Management (Doctoral Elective)
Cross-disciplinary Research for Leveraging Organizational Effectiveness (Doctoral Elective)
Javed, M., Pless, N. Waldman, A. E., Garavan, T. N., Gull, A. A., Akhtar, M. W., Sengupta, A., and Maak, T. (accepted). What, When, and How of Responsible Leadership: Taking Stock of Eighteen Years of Research and Future Agenda. Journal of Management Studies (FT50).
Ray, B., Sengupta, A., & Varma, A. (2024). The gig verse: building a sustainable future. International Journal of Organizational Analysis (ABDC: B), Vol. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOA-08-2023-3946.
Sengupta, A., & Mittal, S. (2023). Entry-level job pursuit intention: assessing person-environment fit in India. International Journal of Emerging Markets (ABDC: B), Vol. 18(10), pp. 4436-4456. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOEM-02-2021-0293
Pless, N.M., Sengupta, A., Wheeler, M.A., & Maak, T. (2022). Responsible Leadership and the reflective CEO: Resolving stakeholder conflict by imagining what could be done. Journal of Business Ethics (FT50), 180, pp. 313-337. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-021-04865-6.
Sengupta, A., Mittal, S., & Kuchi, S. (2022). How do mid-level managers experience data science disruptions? An in-depth inquiry through Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Management Decision, 60(2), pp. 320-343 (ABDC: B). HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1108/MD-01-2020-0099.
Pless, N. M., Murphy, M., Maak, T., & Sengupta, A.(2021). Societal challenges and business leadership for social innovation. Society and Business Review, Vol. 16(4), pp. 535-561 (ABDC: B). https://doi.org/10.1108/SBR-10-2020-0129. [The paper won Emerald Literati Awards 2022 for outstanding paper].
Sengupta, A., Deb, S.G., & Mittal, S. (2021). The underlying motivational process behind portfolio diversification choice decisions of individual investors: An experimental design. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Vol. 29 (ABDC: A). HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1016/J.JBEF.2020.100452.
Mittal, S., Sengupta, A., Agrawal, N.M., & Gupta, S. (2020). How prosocial is proactive: Developing and validating a scale and process-model of knowledge-based proactive helping. Journal of Management & Organization, 26(4), pp. 625-650 (ABDC: B). https://doi.org/10.1017/jmo.2017.80.
Singh, S., Mittal, S., Sengupta, A., & Pradhan, R.K. (2019). A dual-pathway model of knowledge exchange: Linking human and psychosocial capital with prosocial knowledge effectiveness.Journal of Knowledge Management, 23(5), pp. 889- 914 (ABDC: A). https://doi.org/10.1108/JKM-08-2018-0504.
Sharma, S.K., Sengupta, A., & Panja, S.C. (2019). Mapping corruption risks in public procurement: Uncovering improvement opportunities and strengthening controls. Public Performance & Management Review, 42(4), pp. 947-975 (ABDC: B). https://doi.org/10.1080/15309576.2018.1535984.
Mittal, S., Singh, S., & Sengupta, A.(2019). Multidimensionality in organizational justice-trust relationship for newcomer employees: A moderated-mediation model. Current Psychology, Vol. 38(3), pp. 737-748. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-017-9632-6.
Malodia, S., Singh, P., Goyal, V., & Sengupta, A.(2017). Measuring the impact of personality-celebrity personality congruence on purchase intention. Journal of Marketing Communications, Vol. 23(5), pp. 493-512 (ABDC: B). https://doi.org/10.1080/13527266.2017.1322125.
Sengupta, A., & Ali, E. (2017). Immediate survival or long-term growth? The case of an Indian Organisation. Vikalpa, Vol. 42(2), pp. 111-121.https://doi.org/10.1177/0256090917699.
Sengupta, A., Bamel, U., & Singh, P. (2015). Value proposition framework: Implications for employer branding. Decision, Vol. 42(3), pp. 307-323 (Springer).https://doi.org/10.1007/s40622-015-0097-x.
Sengupta, A., Venkatesh, D.N., & Sinha, A.K. (2013). Developing Performance-Linked Competency Model: A Tool for Competitive Advantage. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Vol. 21(4), pp. 504-527 (Emerald, ABDC: B). https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOA-05-2011-0488.
International Conference Proceedings:
Pless, N. & Sengupta, A. (2019). Responsible leadership in emerging markets: An ethical analysis of a conflict between an emerging market multinational enterprise and indigenous communities. 16, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Business Management, held in Monash University, Australia.
Case Publications:
Pandey Y., & Sengupta, A. (forthcoming). Cynet Systems: Is the Organisation Ready to Mileage from Human Resource Analytics (HRA). Ivey Business Publishing. Product Numbers: W31026-PDF-ENG (Case), W31027 (Teaching Note), W31029-XLS-ENG (Supplements).
Sengupta, A., Kalra, M., & Murugesan, D. (2021). GBS India: Should remote working continue after the lockdown? Ivey Business Publishing. Product Numbers: 9B21C012 (Case), 8B21C012(Teaching Note). [The case was nominated by Ivey to The Case Centre’s Awards and Competition 2024, and it became the winner in the Human Resource Management / Organisational Behaviour award category].
Sengupta, A. & Sonawane, B. (2020). Collective resistance to collective collaboration: A leader’s introspection. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Vol. 10(1). https://doi.org/10.1108/EEMCS-09-2019-0229.
Sengupta, A., Gupta, A., & Singh, P. (2016). MD Solutions: Working from home. Ivey Business Publishing. Product Numbers: 9B16C048 (Case), 8B16C048 (Teaching Note).
Sengupta, A., Misra, Y., & Singh, M. (2016). Viom Networks: Transformation and the next phase. Ivey Business Publishing. Product Numbers: 9B16M147 (Case), 8B16M147 (Teaching Note) 7B16M147 (Supplement Material).
Sengupta, A., & Sonawane, B. (2020). Collective resistance to collective collaboration: a leader’s introspection (with Teaching Note). Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies , Vol. 10(1). https://doi.org/10.1108/EEMCS-09-2019-0229.
Book Chapter Publications:
Sengupta, A., & Pless, N.M. (2023). Juggling the interests of different stakeholders? The Roles of Responsible Leadership and Human Resource Management. In Sebastian B. Reiche, Günter K. Stahl, Mark E. Mendenhall, Gary R. Oddou (Eds.), Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management, 7th Edition, Routledge Text Book.
Sharma, S., Sengupta, A., & Panja, S.C. (2019). Grounded theory: A method of research inquiry. In R.N. Subudhi and S. Mishra (Eds.), Methodological issues in management research: Advances, challenges, and the way ahead (pp. 181-202), UK: Emerald Publishing.
Book Publications:
Bamel, U., Sengupta, A., & Singh, P. (2016). Emerging challenges for HR: VUCA perspective. Emerald Group of Publishing. ISBN : 9780992680084.
Ray, B., Sengupta, A., & Varma, A. (2024). The gig verse: building a sustainable future. International Journal of Organizational Analysis (ABDC: B), Vol. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOA-08-2023-3946.
Sengupta, A., & Mittal, S. (2023). Entry-level job pursuit intention: assessing person-environment fit in India. International Journal of Emerging Markets (ABDC: B), Vol. 18(10), pp. 4436-4456. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOEM-02-2021-0293
Pless, N.M., Sengupta, A., Wheeler, M.A., & Maak, T. (2022). Responsible Leadership and the reflective CEO: Resolving stakeholder conflict by imagining what could be done. Journal of Business Ethics (FT50), 180, pp. 313-337. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-021-04865-6.
Sengupta, A., Mittal, S., & Kuchi, S. (2022). How do mid-level managers experience data science disruptions? An in-depth inquiry through Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Management Decision, 60(2), pp. 320-343 (ABDC: B). HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1108/MD-01-2020-0099.
Pless, N. M., Murphy, M., Maak, T., & Sengupta, A.(2021). Societal challenges and business leadership for social innovation. Society and Business Review, Vol. 16(4), pp. 535-561 (ABDC: B). https://doi.org/10.1108/SBR-10-2020-0129. [The paper won Emerald Literati Awards 2022 for outstanding paper].
Sengupta, A., Deb, S.G., & Mittal, S. (2021). The underlying motivational process behind portfolio diversification choice decisions of individual investors: An experimental design. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Vol. 29 (ABDC: A). HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1016/J.JBEF.2020.100452.
Mittal, S., Sengupta, A., Agrawal, N.M., & Gupta, S. (2020). How prosocial is proactive: Developing and validating a scale and process-model of knowledge-based proactive helping. Journal of Management & Organization, 26(4), pp. 625-650 (ABDC: B). https://doi.org/10.1017/jmo.2017.80.
Singh, S., Mittal, S., Sengupta, A., & Pradhan, R.K. (2019). A dual-pathway model of knowledge exchange: Linking human and psychosocial capital with prosocial knowledge effectiveness.Journal of Knowledge Management, 23(5), pp. 889- 914 (ABDC: A). https://doi.org/10.1108/JKM-08-2018-0504.
Sharma, S.K., Sengupta, A., & Panja, S.C. (2019). Mapping corruption risks in public procurement: Uncovering improvement opportunities and strengthening controls. Public Performance & Management Review, 42(4), pp. 947-975 (ABDC: B). https://doi.org/10.1080/15309576.2018.1535984.
Mittal, S., Singh, S., & Sengupta, A.(2019). Multidimensionality in organizational justice-trust relationship for newcomer employees: A moderated-mediation model. Current Psychology, Vol. 38(3), pp. 737-748. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-017-9632-6.
Malodia, S., Singh, P., Goyal, V., & Sengupta, A.(2017). Measuring the impact of personality-celebrity personality congruence on purchase intention. Journal of Marketing Communications, Vol. 23(5), pp. 493-512 (ABDC: B). https://doi.org/10.1080/13527266.2017.1322125.
Sengupta, A., & Ali, E. (2017). Immediate survival or long-term growth? The case of an Indian Organisation. Vikalpa, Vol. 42(2), pp. 111-121.https://doi.org/10.1177/0256090917699.
Sengupta, A., Bamel, U., & Singh, P. (2015). Value proposition framework: Implications for employer branding. Decision, Vol. 42(3), pp. 307-323 (Springer).https://doi.org/10.1007/s40622-015-0097-x.
Sengupta, A., Venkatesh, D.N., & Sinha, A.K. (2013). Developing Performance-Linked Competency Model: A Tool for Competitive Advantage. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Vol. 21(4), pp. 504-527 (Emerald, ABDC: B). https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOA-05-2011-0488.
International Conference Proceedings:
Pless, N. & Sengupta, A. (2019). Responsible leadership in emerging markets: An ethical analysis of a conflict between an emerging market multinational enterprise and indigenous communities. 16, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Business Management, held in Monash University, Australia.
Case Publications:
Pandey Y., & Sengupta, A. (forthcoming). Cynet Systems: Is the Organisation Ready to Mileage from Human Resource Analytics (HRA). Ivey Business Publishing. Product Numbers: W31026-PDF-ENG (Case), W31027 (Teaching Note), W31029-XLS-ENG (Supplements).
Sengupta, A., Kalra, M., & Murugesan, D. (2021). GBS India: Should remote working continue after the lockdown? Ivey Business Publishing. Product Numbers: 9B21C012 (Case), 8B21C012(Teaching Note). [The case was nominated by Ivey to The Case Centre’s Awards and Competition 2024, and it became the winner in the Human Resource Management / Organisational Behaviour award category].
Sengupta, A. & Sonawane, B. (2020). Collective resistance to collective collaboration: A leader’s introspection. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Vol. 10(1). https://doi.org/10.1108/EEMCS-09-2019-0229.
Sengupta, A., Gupta, A., & Singh, P. (2016). MD Solutions: Working from home. Ivey Business Publishing. Product Numbers: 9B16C048 (Case), 8B16C048 (Teaching Note).
Sengupta, A., Misra, Y., & Singh, M. (2016). Viom Networks: Transformation and the next phase. Ivey Business Publishing. Product Numbers: 9B16M147 (Case), 8B16M147 (Teaching Note) 7B16M147 (Supplement Material).
Sengupta, A., & Sonawane, B. (2020). Collective resistance to collective collaboration: a leader’s introspection (with Teaching Note). Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies , Vol. 10(1). https://doi.org/10.1108/EEMCS-09-2019-0229.
Book Chapter Publications:
Sengupta, A., & Pless, N.M. (2023). Juggling the interests of different stakeholders? The Roles of Responsible Leadership and Human Resource Management. In Sebastian B. Reiche, Günter K. Stahl, Mark E. Mendenhall, Gary R. Oddou (Eds.), Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management, 7th Edition, Routledge Text Book.
Sharma, S., Sengupta, A., & Panja, S.C. (2019). Grounded theory: A method of research inquiry. In R.N. Subudhi and S. Mishra (Eds.), Methodological issues in management research: Advances, challenges, and the way ahead (pp. 181-202), UK: Emerald Publishing.
Book Publications:
Bamel, U., Sengupta, A., & Singh, P. (2016). Emerging challenges for HR: VUCA perspective. Emerald Group of Publishing. ISBN : 9780992680084.
Funded Projects:
• Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India funded project on “Extent of R&D and Innovation in MSMEs in West
Bengal: Strategies, Determinants and Effects”.
• AICTE sponsored 5-day FDP on “Management Research: Methods & Statistics” as FDP Coordinator.
Consultancy Projects:
“Promotional Selection Process of General Managers for JSW-BPSL.
“A Project on Employee Satisfaction Survey” for Hindustan Copper Ltd., Govt. of India.
“A study on organization restructuring, manpower planning and succession planning” for MSTC Ltd. under the Ministry of Steel, Govt. of India.
“A study on identifying training needs for implementing turnaround strategy” for Westinghouse Saxby Farmers Ltd.
“A study on identifying training needs for leadership communication” for McLeod Russel India Ltd.
“A study on identifying training needs of estate executives and its implementation” for McLeod Russel India Ltd.
Selected Corporate Trainings:
Trainer (2017 – present) – A series of ongoing training programmes for the mid/senior level managers of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., MCL Ltd., NTPC, WBPDCL, Odisha Adarsha Vidyalaya Sangathan, Odisha Finance Officers, etc. organized by IIM Sambalpur. Topics: Leadership excellence, Managing Performance Dynamics and individuals, Managing Groups and Teams, Self-leadership for Learning Effectiveness, Emotional intelligence, Managing unconscious biases, Leading organizational agility: Models and Employee Engagement, etc.
Programme Director – Six-day Foundation Course in General Management for Senior Managers of NTPC Ltd. from 27th Nov - 2nd Dec 2023, organized by IIM Sambalpur
Programme Director – Enhancing Post-training Effectiveness for WBPDCL Officers from 25th - 28th September 2023, organized by IIM Sambalpur
Programme Director — Enhancing Academic Leadership Skills for Principals and Vice Principals of CBSE Affiliated Schools (Phase 1 and Phase 2), organized by IIM Sambalpur in 2020.
Programme Director – Achieving Leadership Excellence for Sr. Management Teams of Vedanta Aluminium Ltd., Organized by IIM Sambalpur in 2020.
Programme Director – Enhancing Managerial Effectiveness for Indian Postal Officers, organized by IIM Sambalpur in 2018.
Programme Director – TEQUIP 12th Faculty Development Programme, organized by IIM Raipur in 2017.
Programme Director – Leadership Development Programme for Principals and Education Officers of Chhattishgarh, organized by IIM Raipur in 2016.
Programme Director – Estate Executives’ Plantation Management Programme (One-month duration) for McLeod Russel India Ltd., 2012, 2013, 2014.
Programme Director – Induction Training Programme for Single Window Operator of Allahabad Bank (1 month for 250 employees), 2014.
Programme Director – Strategy Summit for Westinghouse Saxby Farmers Ltd., 2013.
• Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India funded project on “Extent of R&D and Innovation in MSMEs in West
Bengal: Strategies, Determinants and Effects”.
• AICTE sponsored 5-day FDP on “Management Research: Methods & Statistics” as FDP Coordinator.
Consultancy Projects:
“Promotional Selection Process of General Managers for JSW-BPSL.
“A Project on Employee Satisfaction Survey” for Hindustan Copper Ltd., Govt. of India.
“A study on organization restructuring, manpower planning and succession planning” for MSTC Ltd. under the Ministry of Steel, Govt. of India.
“A study on identifying training needs for implementing turnaround strategy” for Westinghouse Saxby Farmers Ltd.
“A study on identifying training needs for leadership communication” for McLeod Russel India Ltd.
“A study on identifying training needs of estate executives and its implementation” for McLeod Russel India Ltd.
Selected Corporate Trainings:
Trainer (2017 – present) – A series of ongoing training programmes for the mid/senior level managers of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., MCL Ltd., NTPC, WBPDCL, Odisha Adarsha Vidyalaya Sangathan, Odisha Finance Officers, etc. organized by IIM Sambalpur. Topics: Leadership excellence, Managing Performance Dynamics and individuals, Managing Groups and Teams, Self-leadership for Learning Effectiveness, Emotional intelligence, Managing unconscious biases, Leading organizational agility: Models and Employee Engagement, etc.
Programme Director – Six-day Foundation Course in General Management for Senior Managers of NTPC Ltd. from 27th Nov - 2nd Dec 2023, organized by IIM Sambalpur
Programme Director – Enhancing Post-training Effectiveness for WBPDCL Officers from 25th - 28th September 2023, organized by IIM Sambalpur
Programme Director — Enhancing Academic Leadership Skills for Principals and Vice Principals of CBSE Affiliated Schools (Phase 1 and Phase 2), organized by IIM Sambalpur in 2020.
Programme Director – Achieving Leadership Excellence for Sr. Management Teams of Vedanta Aluminium Ltd., Organized by IIM Sambalpur in 2020.
Programme Director – Enhancing Managerial Effectiveness for Indian Postal Officers, organized by IIM Sambalpur in 2018.
Programme Director – TEQUIP 12th Faculty Development Programme, organized by IIM Raipur in 2017.
Programme Director – Leadership Development Programme for Principals and Education Officers of Chhattishgarh, organized by IIM Raipur in 2016.
Programme Director – Estate Executives’ Plantation Management Programme (One-month duration) for McLeod Russel India Ltd., 2012, 2013, 2014.
Programme Director – Induction Training Programme for Single Window Operator of Allahabad Bank (1 month for 250 employees), 2014.
Programme Director – Strategy Summit for Westinghouse Saxby Farmers Ltd., 2013.