Siddharth Gaurav Majhi is an Assistant Professor in the Information Systems Management area at IIM Sambalpur. He holds a PhD in Information Systems and Business Analytics from IIM Ranchi and has worked as an Assistant Professor for three years at IIM Amritsar and TAPMI, Manipal post his doctoral studies. Prior to joining the PhD program, he has nearly six years of experience in the domain of CRM consulting with firms like Deloitte Consulting, Standard & Poor’s Capital IQ, and as an independent consultant. He is a graduate in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra. During his graduation, he has interned with Goldman Sachs and Steel Authority of India Limited.
He is interested in research topics such as Business value of IT, IT/IS Strategy, Dynamic Capabilities, Digital Transformation, Paradox Theory, and the impact of emerging technologies on managerial work. He has published his research in reputed peer-reviewed journals and conferences. He is also an ad-hoc reviewer for a few journals and leading information systems conferences.
He has offered courses such as IT for Business / Management Information Systems, IT Consulting and Business Analysis, Emerging Technologies, Visual Analytics / Data Visualization, Databases and Data Warehousing, and Fundamentals of Blockchain Technology.
Snehvrat, S., Chaudhary, S. and Majhi, S.G. (2022). Ambidexterity and absorptive capacity in boundary spanning managers: Role of paradox mindset and learning goal orientation.
Management Decision. Vol. 60, No. 12, p. 3209-3231.
Majhi, S.G., Mukherjee, A. and Anand, A. (2021). Business value of cognitive analytics technology: A dynamic capabilities perspective.
VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems.
Majhi, S.G., Anand, A., Mukherjee, A. and Rana, N.P. (2022). The optimal configuration of IT-enabled dynamic capabilities in a firm’s portfolio of capabilities: A strategic alignment perspective.
Information Systems Frontiers. 24, p. 1435-1450.
Majhi, S.G., Mukherjee, A. and Anand, A. (2023). Role of information technology in enabling managerial dynamic capabilities.
VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems.
Vol 53, No. 1, p. 187-204.
Majhi, S.G., Snehvrat, S., Chaudhary, S. and Mukherjee, A. (2020). The Synergistic Role of Individual Absorptive Capacity and Individual Ambidexterity in Open Innovation: A Moderated-Mediation Model.
International Journal of Innovation Management. 24(7), 1-30.
Book Chapter
Majhi, S.G. (2023). ‘A brave new world’: Exploring the implications of online chess for the sport post the pandemic. In B. Basu, M. Desbordes, and S. Sarkar (Eds.),
Sports Management in an Uncertain Environment (pp. 255-270). Sports Economics, Management and Policy, vol. 21. Springer, Singapore.
Majhi, S.G. and Mukherjee, A. (2022), “Conceptualizing a Cognitive Analytics Capability” at the 33rd Australasian Conference on Information Systems - ACIS 2022 at Melbourne, Australia, Dec 4-7, 2022
Raghavendra, A.H., Majhi, S.G., Mukherjee, A. and Bala, P.K. (2022), “Artificial Intelligence and Poverty Alleviation: A Review” at the 33rd Australasian Conference on Information Systems - ACIS 2022 at Melbourne, Australia, Dec 4-7, 2022
Majhi, S.G. and Pattanayak, A. (2022), “Information Technology and Managerial Improvisation Capability: A NeuroIS Perspective” at the 2nd Pritam Singh Memorial (PRISM) Conference organized by IIM Nagpur, Nov 17-19, 2022
Majhi, S.G., Shukla, A. and Mukherjee, A. (2021), “Job performance in information systems research: Quo Vadis?” at the 8
th PAN IIM World Management Conference organized by IIM Kozhikode, Dec 16-18, 2021
Majhi, S.G. (2021), “Does social media use enhance the sensing and seizing capabilities of managers? Role of absorptive capacity” at the 4
th International Conference on Digital Economy (ICDE) organized by IIM Raipur, Dec 3-4, 2021
Majhi, S.G. (2021), “How does social media use impact the components of individual absorptive capacity?” at the 4
th International Conference on Digital Economy (ICDE) organized by IIM Raipur, Dec 3-4, 2021
Majhi, S.G., Mukherjee, A. and Anand, A. (2019), “The role of IT in enabling individual-level dynamic capabilities,” at the 7
th PAN IIM World Management Conference organized by IIM Rohtak at Delhi, India, Dec 12-14, 2019
Majhi, S.G., Mukherjee, A. and Anand, A. (2019), “The business value of social media: A dynamic managerial capabilities perspective,” at the 30
th Australasian Conference on Information Systems – ACIS 2019 at Fremantle, Australia, Dec 9-11, 2019
Majhi, S.G. and Mukherjee, A. (2019), “Information Technology Capability and Firm Performance: The Role of Strategic Orientation,” at the 30
th Australasian Conference on Information Systems – ACIS 2019 at Fremantle, Australia, Dec 9-11, 2019
Majhi, S.G., Anand, A. and Mukherjee, A. (2019), “Conceptualizing and measuring the strategic fit of IT-enabled dynamic capabilities,” at the 2
nd International Conference on the Digital Economy – ICDE 2019 at IIM Raipur, India, Dec 6-8, 2019
Sarkar, S. and Majhi, S.G. (2019), “Consumption Behavior of Biopics in Bollywood through a Uses and Gratifications Lens,” at the 41
st Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference at Rome, Italy, Jun 19-22, 2019
Majhi, S.G
., Dutta, T., Mukherjee, A., Sarkar, S. and Parasar, P.R. (2019), “Impact of Cognitive Flexibility on Decision Making Quality: Mediating Role of Individual Ambidexterity,” at the 15
th NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference at Rome, Italy, Jun 6-7, 2019
Snehvrat, S., Majhi, S.G. and Mukherjee, A. (2018), “The Nature and Dynamics of Managerial Learning Paradoxes: Evidence from the Indian IT Consulting Industry,” at the Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference – SMS India at ISB Hyderabad, India, Dec 15-18, 2018
Majhi, S.G. and Mukherjee, A. (2018), “Revisiting the Terminological Conundrum in the Resource-Competence-Capability (RCC) Literature,” at the Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference – SMS India at ISB Hyderabad, India, Dec 15-18, 2018
Siddharth has been a faculty resource for sessions related to data-driven decision making and data visualization in management development programs for organizations such as HPCL, IOCL, DRDO, and the Department of Public Enterprises.