Dr. Kumari Pritee completed his BTech degree in Computer Science and Engg from BIT Sindri, India in 2009. She has received his MTech degree in Geo-informatics from IIT Dhanbad, India in 2014. She has received his PhD degree in Spatial data mining from IIT Roorkee, India in 2019. She has joined at Adamas University as Assistant Professor in Data Science in December, 2023. Before joining the University, she has served as an Assistant Professor in a college under IIIT Ranchi, IIIT Surat, Parul university. She has 4.5 years teaching experience. She has qualified GATE in 2012, 2014. She was awarded for “Researcher with Purpose award” category in Prama Jyoti Foundation “Celebrating Life award 2019“ and won prize money of Rs. 21000/- only.
Her current research area includes: Spatial data mining, Data analytics using R programing, Data Science. She has published 11+ research articles (SCI/Scopus). Her research results have been published in the international journals: Journal of Future Sustainability, Indian Journal of Spatial Science, In Indian Journal of Data Mining, Spatial Information Research, International Journal of Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS, RA Journal of Applied Research, Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. among others.
She is the reviewer of 5+ International Journals including Springer, Elsevier. She was associated with several professional bodies: IEEE, ISPRS (Life member). She has attended 4+ International Conferences, 3+ Workshops, 6 FDPs.
Publications :
- Pritee, K & Garg, R. (2023). Criticality trend analysis based on highway accident factors using improved data mining algorithms. Journal of Future Sustainability, 3(1), 9-22.
- Pritee, K., & Garg, R. D. (2022). Critical Geographical Feature Analysis on Highway Accidents using Spatial Data Mining Approach (SDMA). In Indian Journal of Spatial Science (Vol. 13, Issue 3, pp. 25–31). Autumn Issue.
- Pritee, K., & Garg, R. D. (2022). Criticality Trend Analysis Based on Different Types of Accidents using Data Mining Approach. In Indian Journal of Data Mining (Vol. 1, Issue 3, 1–14). Lattice Science Publication (LSP). https://doi.org/10.54105/ijdm.c1618.051322
- Pritee, K., & Garg, R. D. (2017). Cloud based spatial visualization with statistical approach for road accidents. Spatial Information Research, 25(6), 825-835 (Springer).
- Pritee, , Garg, R.D. (2017) Identification of Optimum Shortest Path using Multipath Dijkstra’s Algorithm Approach. Cloud Publications International Journal of Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 2442-2448 ISSN 2320 – 0243, Crossref: 10.23953/cloud.ijarsg.321.
- Pritee, , Garg, R.D. (2017) Interfacing Grass-GIS and R: Road Descriptive Statistical Representation based on Slope. J Remote Sensing & GIS 6: 188. doi: 10.4172/2469-4134.1000188.
- Pritee, K., Garg, R.D. (2017). Study of UML Architecture for Designing Advanced Accident Information RA Journal of Applied Research. Volume3, Issue10, pp. 1063-1072, 2394-6709. DOI: 10.18535/rajar/v3i10.03.
- Pritee, , & Garg, R. D. (2015). Interfacing GRASS-GIS and R: Road descriptive statistical representation based on slope. Paper presented at the ACRS 2015 - 36th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing: Fostering Resilient Growth in Asia, Proceedings, Retrieved from www.scopus.com
- Pritee, , Garg, R. D., & Pandey, P. K. (2017). Review of Accident Information Systems in Web Domain. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 3(6).
- Pritee, , Garg, R.D. and Oberai, K. (2015). Web based Geoprocessing using open source tools. International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science, Vol. 3, Special Issue 2, pp. 102-112.
- Pritee, , Garg, R.D. and Ohri, A. (2015). Windows Implementation of PgRouting to find Shortest Path using Dijkstra’s Algorithm for Varanasi Road Network. Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 2, Special Issue 2, pp. 85-88.