Dr. Ashutosh Tripathi received his PhD in Economics from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi in 2011. He carried out part of his doctoral work at YALE University, USA, where he was a FOX International Fellow. Later, he spent a brief stint at United State Department of Agriculture (USDA), Washington DC as a visiting scholar.
Dr. Tripathi is a development economist and his research interest include, aspects of Agricultural development with focus on policies related Prices, Marketing and Trade; Rural Credit; MicroFinance and Financial Inclusion. He has published research articles in various reputed journals and authored a book published by Routledge: An imprint of Taylor and Francis.
Before joining IIM Sambalpur, he has been associated with Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Rohtak and National Institute of Bank Management (NIBM), Pune as full-time faculty in the area of Economics.
Microeconomics (IIM Sambalpur, IIM Rohtak)
Macroeconomic Analysis (IIM Sambalpur)
Business History in India (FPM course for IIM Rohtak)
Time Series Analysis (FPM course for IIM Rohtak)
MicroFinance (2 credit course, IIM Indore, PGPM)
Latest Publications :
A. Books :
B. Papers in Refereed Journals :
- Tripathi Ashutosh K & A. K. Mishra. Wheat Export Restriction and Effects on India’s Domestic Prices: A Nonlinear ARDL Modelling Approach, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Accepted, 2024. (ABDC – A category)
- Tripathi, Ashutosh K. (2024) Price Support Policy and Market Price Dynamics: The Case of Indian Wheat. Agricultural Economics, Vol. 55, No. 02, pp. 412-427. Available from http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/agec.12825 (ABDC – A category, Impact Factor 4.1)
- Tripathi, Ashutosh K. & Mishra, A.K. (2023) Effect of public stockholding on wheat price dynamics in India: A quantile autoregression approach. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 68, No. 01, pp. 168-185 (ABDC – A category, Impact Factor 3.2) Available from https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8489.12536 )
- Tripathi Ashutosh K. 2021. The Time-Varying Effect of Inflation Uncertainty on Inflation: Evidence from the Indian Economy, Economic and Political Weekly, Special Article, Vol. 56, No. 04, pp 52 – 57 (ABDC: B)
- Tripathi Ashutosh K. and Sindhi Sumita 2020. Droughts, Heatwaves and Agricultural Adaptation: A Historical Account for India, Economic and Political Weekly, Review Issues, Vol. 55, No. 26-27, pp 05 – 12 (ABDC: B)
- Tripathi, Ashutosh., K. 2019. Feeling the Pulse: Towards Production Expansion of Pulses in India, Journal of Asian and African Studies, Vol. 54 No. 6, pp 894-912. (Impact Factor: 0.433, Thomson Reuters)
- Tripathi, Ashutosh., K. 2017: Price and Profitability Analysis of Major Pulses in India, Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 14 No. 2, pp 83-102, (ABDC: C)
- Tripathi, Ashutosh., K. 2017: Credit for Agricultural Households in India: Growing Inequities, Journal of Asian and African Studies Vol. 52 No. 6, pp 807–823, (Impact Factor: 0.52, Thomson Reuters)
- Guha, A., and Tripathi, Ashutosh., K. 2014: Link Between Food Price Inflation and Rural Wage Dynamics, Economic and Political Weekly, Special Article, Vol. XLIX, No. 26&27, pp 66-73, (ABDC: B)
- Tripathi, Ashutosh., K. 2014: India’s Agricultural Trade – Policies and Patterns: An Analysis of Selected Food Commodities”, Journal of Indian School of Political Economy, Vol. XXIV, Nos 1-4, pp 181-219
- Tripathi, Ashutosh., K. 2014: Spread of SHG-Bank Linkage Programme in India – Potential vis-à-vis Achievements, Journal of Asian and African Studies, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp 215-233 (Impact Factor: 0.52, Thomson Reuters)
- Tripathi, Ashutosh., K.2013: Decomposing Variability in Agricultural Prices: The Case of Selected Indian Agricultural Commodities, Economic and Political Weekly, Special Article, Vol. XLVIII, No. 52, pp 46-53, 2013, (ABDC: B)
- Tripathi, Ashutosh., K. 2013: Agricultural Price Policy, Output and Farm Profitability – Examining Linkages during post reform period in India, Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp 91-111 (ABDC: C)
- Sharma, H. R., Sharma, V and Tripathi, Ashutosh., K. 2003: Horticulture in Himachal Pradesh: Emerging Threats From Globalization, Technological and Climatic Changes, Man & Development, March 25(1):21-34
C. Book Chapters, Discussion/Working Papers :
- 2008: Reshaping Agriculture Trade Policy chapter 3 in edited volume on Food and Policy-Reforming Agriculture, Cambridge University Press, page 68-96, April
- 2014: Linkage Between Food price Inflation and Rural Wage Dynamics Working Paper of Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA), Gujarat, No. 253
- 2006: Ensuring Adequate Flexibility through Special Products: A Case Study of India Working paper of Centre for Trade and Development (CENTAD), New Delhi, No. 06
- 2006: Aiding Development through Trade Safety Net Trading Up A quarterly trade magazine of Centre for Trade and Development (CENTAD, New Delhi, Vol. 2, Issue 4, Oct-Dec. 2006
- 2005: Trade liberalization and Indian Agriculture: A Discussion on Food Security concerns in the WTO regime” Working paper of V. V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA, No. 065/2005
D. Opinion articles/Columns in News Paper :
- Digitalisation’s dark side, The Hindu Business Line, September 01, 2021
- Re-emergence of the ghost of Malthus, The Hindu Business Line, October 7, 2019
- Revisit interest subsidy scheme for farmers, The Hindu Business Line, May 14, 2016
- Why Priority Lending Certificates Won’t Sell, The Hindu Business Line, April 23, 2016
- New lending norms will hurt small farmers, The Hindu Business Line, December 4, 2015
- A pointless number chase, The Hindu Business Line, October 7, 2015
- Managing capital formation in agriculture, The Financial Express, September 14, 2015
- Credit for agricultural households: Growing inequity, The Financial Express, August 25, 2015
- A policy failure in pulses, The Financial Express, August 7, 2015
- Towards a second Green Revolution, The Financial Express, July 13, 2015
- The rainfall isn’t bad, after all, The Financial Express, July 1, 2015
- Getting procurement price right, The Financial Express, June 9, 2015
- Fixing financial inclusion, The Financial Express, June 5, 2015
- Dangers in Doha’s Dark Alleys, Business Standard, August 23, 2007
- Why Self-sufficiency matters, Business Standard, September 20, 2007
Project on “Life Cycle of SHGs – Critical Intervention Required” (as principal investigator), Sponsored by: Microcredit Innovation Department (MCID), NABARD, Amount: Rs.5.75 Lakh, Duration: August, 2011 to December, 2011. Report Submitted to Bankers Institute of Rural Development (BIRD), Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.
Project on “Study of Districts in 13 Priority States Where Progress under SHG-Bank Linkage Programme (SBLP) is Poor” (as principal investigator), Sponsored by Microcredit Innovation Department (MCID), NABARD, Amount: Rs.8.18 Lakh, Duration: December, 2010 to June, 2011, Report Submitted to Bankers Institute of Rural Development (BIRD), Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.
Project on “Status of Agriculture in Uttar Pradesh: An inter-regional analysis with special reference to marginal and small farmers” (with Poornima Verma), Sponsored by Oxfam India, Lucknow office, Amount: Rs.1.20 Lakh, Duration: April, 2007 to July, 2007, Report Submitted to: Oxfam India, Lucknow office.
Programme coordinator: “Training programme on Appraisal and Lending Strategies to Agriculture and Allied Sector Projects” for middle & senior level bank executives at NIBM Pune.
Programme coordinator: “Training programme on Investment Credit and Project Finance in Agriculture and Allied Projects” for officers of Punjab National Bankat NIBM Pune.
Programme coordinator: “Training programme on Investment Credit and Project Finance in Agriculture and Allied Projects” for officers of Punjab National Bankat NIBM Pune.
Programme coordinator: “Training programme on Orientation to Credit” for Indian Bank Officersat NIBM Pune.