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Soumya Guha Deb
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ii) Finance Theory –II (Doctoral Course : XLRI)
iii) Corporate Finance/Financial Management ( IIM-SBP, XLRI, XIMB)
iv) Financial Institutions Markets and Instruments (IIM Indore, XIMB)
v) Financial Services (IIM-SBP, XIMB)
vi) Investments ( XIMB)
vii) Security Analysis and Portfolio Management (IIM-SBP)
viii) Advanced Corporate Finance (XIMB)
ix) International Finance (XIMB)
x) Fixed Income Securities and Markets (IIM-SBP, XIMB)
A: Published Papers in Tiered Journals
1) 2024 : Sandhu, H and Deb, S. G. Nexus Between AMCs and Distributors and Its Impact on Investor Wealth ( Economics Letters Elsevier, ABDC: A/ABS : 3). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econlet.2024.112028
2) 2024: Panda A., Deb S. G. Strategic under-pricing in public offerings: The role of firm quality.Journal of Economics and Finance( Springer, ABDC B) https://doi.org/10.1007/s12197-024-09686-7
3) 2024: Banerjee P., Deb, S.G. Working Capital Management in Competitive Market: Empirical Insights. International Journal of Managerial Finance, Emerald, ABDC: A/ABS 2).https://doi.org/10.1108/IJMF-01-2024-0019
4) 2024. Misra S; Deb, S.G. Energy-consumption, financial-development, and economic-growth: Evidence from the Asia-Pacific economies. Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies ( ABDC : C, Taylor and Francis). https://doi.org/10.1080/17520843.2024.2357939
5) 2024: Sandhu, H and Deb, S. G Ethical Dimensions of Bank-Distributed Mutual Funds. Economics Letters Elsevier, ABDC: A). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econlet.2024.111726
6) 2024: Panda, A., & Deb, S. G. (2024). Are VaR models effective in capturing downside risk in alternative investment funds? Insights from a cross-country study. International Journal of Financial Engineering, (World Scientific, ABDC: C), https://doi.org/10.1142/S2424786323500445
7) 2023 : Banerjee P., Deb, S.G. “Capital investment, working capital management, and firm performance: Role of managerial ability in US logistics industry.” Transportation Research Part E (Elsevier, ABDC: A*/ABS 3). doi : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tre.2023.103224
8) 2023 : P Banerjee & Deb S G : Working capital management efficiency, managerial ability, and firm performance: new insights, Applied Economics (Taylor and Francis, ABDC: A,ABS: 2) https://doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2023.2208857
9) 2023 : Panda A; Deb, S. G. “Unveiling differential patterns in IPO and SEO underpricing: a comparative analysis of high-quality and low-quality firms” Applied Economic Letters ( Taylor And Francis, ABDC : B/ABS 1)https://doi.org/10.1080/13504851.2023.2269624
10) 2023 : Sandhu, H and Deb, S. G : Do changes in distributors’ incentive structure drive mutual fund flows?”. International Journal of Bank Marketing ( (Emerald, ABDC: A) doi:)https://doi.org/10.1108/IJBM-08-2022-0384
11) 2023: Dasgupta R and S. G Deb, ‘Interlinkage between Corporate Social, Environmental Performance and Financial Performance: Firm-mediators in a Multi-country Context ‘.Finance Research Letter, Elsevier ( ABDC: A/ABS 2). doi : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.frl.2022.103386
12) 2023: Deb, S.G & Thakurta R. “Limited effectiveness of IT/IS investments in an Emerging Economy: Evidence from India and implications.” The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, ( ACM, SIGMIS, ABDC: A/ABS 2, Scopus: Q1, Scopus h index: 57 ). doi : https://doi.org/10.1145/3583581.3583587
13) 2023: Kumar, R., Deb, S. G., & Mukherjee, S . “Deciphering the Corporate Mind: Capturing Early Warning Signals in Non-Numeric Communication Channels Using Computational Intelligence.” Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research (Emerald, ABDC: A).doi : https://doi.org/10.1108/S1475-148820230000026005
14) 2022: Panda A., Deb, S. G., (Accepted and forthcoming). “IPO underpricing and short-term performance: a comparative analysis during the COVID-19 pandemic and tranquil periods in a cross-country setting”. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (Taylor and Francis, ABDC: B) doi : https://doi.org/10.1080/1540496X.2022.2147780
15) 2022: R Dasgupta & Deb, S.G. “Role of Corporate Governance in moderating the risk-return paradox: cross country evidence.” Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics, (Elsevier, ABDC: A/ABS 2, Scopus: Q2, h index: 23)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcae.2022.100313
16) 2021: Deb, S.G & Ganguly S. K “Public Sector Bank Dominated Financing and Earning Quality: Indian Evidence.” Journal of Asia Business Studies. (Emerald, ABDC: C/ABS 1)( https://doi.org/10.1108/JABS-03-2021-0116)
17) 2021 : Deb, S.G. Banerjee P "Impact of Quality of Involvement of VC/PE in IPO Firms: Evidence from India". Journal of Alternative Investments 24 (2) 49-67; (Institutional Investor Journals Group, ABDC: B/ABS 2), ( https://doi.org/10.3905/jai.2021.1.138)
18) 2021: Ganguli, S. & Deb, S. G. Board composition, ownership structure and firm performance: New Indian evidence. International Journal of Disclosure and Governance. (Palgrave Macmillan ABDC: B/ABS 2). (https://doi.org/10.1057/s41310-021-00113-5)
19) 2021: Sengupta, A., Deb, S.G., & Mittal, S. The Underlying motivational process behind portfolio diversification choice decisions of individual investors: An experimental design. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Vol,29,2021. (Elsevier, ABDC: A/ABS 1) ( https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbef.2020.100452)
20) 2020: Deb, S. G. Institutional preference for corporate governance and firm characteristics: new evidence from India. Journal of Public Affairs (Wiley-Blackwell, ABDC: B) (https://doi.org/10.1002/pa.2540).
21) 2020: Deb, S.G. & Banerjee P. Performance of VC/PE backed IPOs: new insights from India. Global Business Review (SAGE, ABDC: C) (Sep,2020) https://doi.org/10.1177/0972150920950543
22) 2020: Das Gupta, R., & Deb, S. G. (2020). Exploring the Relationship between Risk and Performance in Listed Indian Firms. International Journal of the Economics of Business, (vol 27, Issue3)(Taylor and Francis, ABDC B/ABS 2 ).https://doi.org/10.1080/13571516.2020.1767981)
23) 2020: Kumar, R., Deb, S. G., & Mukherjee, S. (2020). Do words reveal the latent truth? Identifying communication patterns of corporate losers. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 100291. (Elsevier, ABDC: A/ABS 1).( Vol 26,June 2020).( https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbef.2020.100291
24) 2020: Pathak, J & Deb, S. G (2020). Stylized Patterns in implied volatility indices and stock market returns: a cross country analysis across developed and emerging markets, Cogent Journal of Economics and Finance. (Vol.8, Issue 1) (Taylor and Francis, ABDC: B).( https://doi.org/10.1080/23322039.2020.1723185)
25) 2020: Mahapatra, B., Mohapatra, S., Samanta, B., & Deb, S. G. (2019). An Investigation of Portfolio Optimization using Modified NSGA-II Algorithm. South Asian Journal of Management, 26(4), 133-150. AMDISA, ABDC: C).
26) 2019: Deb, S. G., & Mishra, B. (2019). A new insight into value premium and size premium. IIMB Management Review, 31(4), 324-335., (Elsevier, ABDC: B). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iimb.2019.07.004
27) 2019: Deb, S. G., Mishra, S., & Banerjee, P. (2019). Stock market, banking sector and economic growth: A cross-country analysis over different economic cycles. Studies in Economics and Finance, 36(3), 348-364. Emerald, (ABDC: B). https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/SEF-02-2017-0046/full/html
28) 2019: Deb, S. G. (2019). A VaR-based downside risk analysis of Indian equity mutual funds in the pre-and post-global financial crisis periods. Journal of Emerging Market Finance, 18(2), 210-236., (SAGE, ABDC: B/ABS 2).( https://doi.org/10.1177/0972652719846348
29) 2019: Deb, S. G. (2019). Persistence in performance of actively managed equity mutual funds: New Indian evidence. IIMB Management Review, 31(2), 145-156. (Elsevier, ABDC: B). (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iimb.2019.03.014)
30) 2018: Mishra, S., & Deb, S. G. (2018). Predictors of firm growth in India: An exploratory analysis using accounting information. Cogent Economics & Finance, 6(1), (Taylor and Francis, ABDC: B).( https://doi.org/10.1080/23322039.2018.1553571
31) 2018: Thakurta, R., & Guha Deb, S. (2018). IS/IT investments and firm performance: Indian evidence. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 21(3), 188-207. (Taylor and Francis, ABDC : B/ABS 2). (https://doi.org/10.1080/1097198X.2018.1498274
32) 2018: Deb, S. G., & Banerjee, P. (2018). Low leverage policy: a boon or bane for Indian shareholders. Journal of Asia Business Studies. (Emerald, ABDC : C/ABS 1 ).
33) 2018: Deb, S. G. (2018). Institutional Investors and firm characteristics: New evidence from India. Research in International Business and Finance, 46, 30-42(Elsevier ABDC: B/ABS 2).
34) 2017: Deb, S. G. (2017). Long run performance of SEOs: new evidence from India, Economic and Political Weekly,52(12).(Sameeksha Trust India, ABDC: B)
35) 2017: Banerjee, P., & Deb, S. G. (2017). Abnormal returns using accounting information within a value portfolio. Accounting Research Journal.30(1). (Emerald, ABDC: B/ABS 2).
36) 2015: Banerjee, P., & Deb, S. G. (2015). The Choice between QIP and Rights Issue: Evidence from India. Global Business Review, 16(5_suppl), 155S-174S. (SAGE ABDC C).
37) 2015: Deb, S. G., & Banerjee, P. (2015). Equity performance of zero-debt firms vis-à-vis their leveraged counterparts. Global Business Review, 16(5), 800-811., Vol 16, 5 (SAGE ABDC: C).
38) 2008: Deb, S. G., Chakrabarti, B. B., & Banerjee, A. (2008). Persistence in performance of Indian equity mutual funds: an empirical investigation. IIMB Management Review, 20(2), 145-156. (Elsevier, ABDC: B).
B: Papers Under Review (In Tiered Journals)
1) Are the PE/VCs selling lemons ? Evidence from early exit of PE/VCs at IPOs.
2) Underwriter quality -- and Performance of SEOs.. cross country evidence
3) Nexus between Energy consumption, economic development and financial sector development: a cross country analysis
4) IPO underpricing and short term performance : a comparative analysis during the COVID-19 pandemic and tranquil periods in a cross country setting.
5) Impact of curtailing dealer commission on mutual fund flows : new evidence from India
6) Interlinkage between Corporate Social, Environmental Performance and Financial Performance: Firm-mediators in a Multi-country Context
C: Other Published papers
1) 2015: Long run performance of Rights Issues and FPOs: evidence from India, NSE Working Paper, (Co-author; K Chaitanya)
2) 2014: Stylized patterns of Volatility in Indian Equity Market during Pre-and Post Global Meltdown: A Time-Series Analysis, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol 125, UK.
3) 2013: Institutional preference for firm attributes: evidence from India; IUP Journal of Applied Finance, (Co-authors: Dr. Pradip Banerjee and Dr Prithviraj Banerjee)
4) 2012: Value versus growth: evidence from India; IUP Journal of Applied Finance
5) 2011: Are equity betas stable: evidence from Indian equity markets, IUP Journal of Applied Finance, (Co-author: SagarikaMisra)
6) 2009: Some Insights into IPO Underpricing in India; Vilakshan, the bi-annual Journal of XIMB.
7) 2009: Downside Risk Analysis of Indian Equity Mutual Funds: a Value at Risk Approach; International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, (Co-author: Dr. Ashok Banerjee, IIM-C).
8) 2008: Volatility in Indian equity market during pre-and post F&O period: a time series analysis, Vilakshan, the bi-annual Journal of XIMB (Co-author: Dr Jaydip Mukherjee).
9) 2008: Does Stock Market Development Cause Economic Growth? Evidence from India; International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol 21 (Co-author: Dr. Jaydip Mukherjee, IIFT).
10) 2007: A study of market timing and stock selection ability of mutual funds in India- an empirical exploration, Vikalpa, Management Journal of IIM Ahmedabad, (Co-author: Dr Ashok Banerjee and Dr B B Chakrabarti, IIM-C).
11) 2007: Performance of Equity Mutual Funds in India vis –a vis their style benchmarks: an empirical exploration; IUP Journal of Applied Finance, (Co-authors: Dr Ashok Banerjee and Dr B B Chakrabarti, IIM-C).
12) 2006: Value premium in Indian equity market during 1990 to 2005: market evidence; IUP Journal of Applied Finance (Co-authors: Dr Ashok Banerjee and Dr B B Chakrabarti, IIM-C).
D: Accepted and presented in National and International Conferences
1) 2024: Latent signal from PE/VC exits in IPOs: Do they discard lemons? 9th PAN-IIM World Management Conference, IIM Sambalpur, India (Jan 22-24, 2024)
2) 2023: Unveiling Effective Monitors: Institutional Investors' Identity and its Impact on Firms' Earnings Management Practices. Banking and Financial Stability Conference, University of Sydney Business School, Sydney, Australia (Dec 8-9 2023),Australia.
3) 2023: Are PEVCs socially responsible? New insights from cross-country analyses. JCAE Annual Symposium and Doctoral Consortium, Journal of contemporary accounting & economics, University of Texas at Arlington, USA (Jan 2023)
4) 2022: PEVC investment and social engagement in investee firms: new evidence from cross-country analyses. India Finance Conference, India Finance Association, IIM Calcutta, India (Dec 2022)
5) 2021: PE/VC Exits: The latent signals from PE/VC exits in IPOs: Do they offload lemons:: ISDSI conference at Nagpur, India
6) 2021: Back-Testing of Popular VaR models: new evidence from Alternate Investment Funds: India Finance Conference :2021
7) 2021: Some insights into IPO underpricing and short-term performance: a cross country study during two major crises scenarios: Global Finance Conference.
8) 2020: Revisiting Bowman’s Paradox in a cross country set-up: 14th ISDSI Annual Conference at IIM Raipur, India.
9) 2019: Do Machines learn: Identifying Winners within a Value portfolio: 13th Annual Conference 13th Annual ISDSI conference at Bhubaneswar, India
10) 2019: Performance of VC/PE backed IPOs: new evidence from India: Third Annual Conference on Banking & Finance, IMI Bhubaneswar. Bhubaneswar.
11) 2018: Impact of IS/IT Investments on Firm Performance in the Indian Context: A Plan of Inquiry : Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Yokohama, Japan
12) 2017: Preferred firm attributes by institutional investors: new evidence from India, Annual International Conference on Accounting and Finance, Singapore
13) 2015: Long run equity and operating performance of SEOs: evidence from India, (Co-author: Sagarika Misra, BIMTECH): India Finance Conference-IIM-Calcutta
14) 2014: Short-Term and Long-Term Performance of Indian IPOs: Comparison of Two Exchanges (Co-author: Dr. Banikanta Misra): India Finance Conference-IIM-Bangalore
15) 2013: Abnormal Returns to a Fundamental Analysis Strategy: Evidence from India; India Finance Conference-IIM-Ahmedabad (Co-authors: Dr. Pradip Banerjee and Dr. Prithviraj Banerjee)
16) 2012: Qualified Institutional Placement: An Exploratory study in the Indian Context; India Finance Conference at IIM Calcutta, (Co-authors: Dr. Pradip Banerjee and Dr. Prithviraj Banerjee)
17) 2010: Risk Adjusted Performance of Indian IPOs, India Finance Conference, IIM- Calcutta (Co-author: Dr. Banikanta Misra, XIMB)
18) 2007: Estimated weekly value at risk vis-à-vis actual downsides of Indian equity mutual funds: an empirical exploration; Academy of Economics and Finance Conference, USA, (Co-authors: Dr. B.B Chakrabarti and Dr. Ashok Banerjee, IIM-C)
19) 2006: Do Winner Funds repeat? An Empirical Exploration with Indian Equity Mutual Funds’, International Conference on Business and Finance organized by ICFAI university and Philadelphia University USA, (Co-authors: Dr B B Chakrabarti and Dr Ashok Banerjee, IIM-C)
- Working papers
1) PE/VC Exits: The latent signals from PE/VC exits in IPOs: Do they offload lemons Performance of debt free firms—a cross country analysis
2) Back-Testing of Popular VaR models: new evidence from Alternate Investment Funds:
3) Some insights into IPO underpricing and short term performance: a cross country study during two major crises scenarios
4) Institutional Investment and ESG performance of Corporates
5) Working Capital management and managerial ability
6) Product market fluidity, Working Capital management and managerial ability
7) Underwriter quality -- and Performance of SEOs.. cross country evidence
- Research Monograph/Book Chapters
- 2011: Performance Evaluation of Indian Equity Funds; Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany
- 2007: Do Winner Funds repeat: An empirical Exploration with Indian Equity Mutual Funds; book chapter in Advances in Business and Finance Studies, 2006, Investment Management and Asset Pricing Section, IUP?