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Shikha Bhardwaj
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Organisational Behaviour -II (Core, IIM Sambalpur)
Organisational Transformation and Change (Elective, IIM Sambalpur)
Organisational Behaviour (Core, IIM Kozhikode)
Strategic Human Resource Management (Core, IIM Sambalpur)
Organisational Transformation (Elective, IIM Sambalpur)
Advance research in Entrepreneurship and Human resource (Elective, IIM Sambalpur)
Gupta, B., Bhardwaj, S., Srivastav, S. & Madan, P. (2024). Peers’ unethical behaviour and employees’ discretionary behaviour: Role of duty orientation, International Journal of Hospitality Management (IJHM), Vol 119, 103708. (ABDC-A*). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2024.103708
Bhardwaj, S., Chauhan, S. & Gupta, P. (2023). CEO succession in family firm: An integrated framework and future research insights. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Sage Publication (ABDC-C) https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/09713557231210696
Behl, A., Jayawardena, N., Bhardwaj, S., Pereira, V., del Giudice, M., & Zhang, J. (2023). Examining the failure of gamification in implementing innovation from the perspective of problematization in the retail sectors of emerging economies. Technovation, 102902. (ABDC-A).https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0166497223002134?dgcid=rss_sd_all
Majumdar, R., Mittal, A & Bhardwaj, S. & (2023). The challenges faced by Women Micro-entrepreneurs: Evidence from Urban India. Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective (VIS), https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/09722629231185464#bibr17-09722629231185464, (ABDC-C).
Bhardwaj, S., Mahapatra, D., Behl, A., Pereira, V. & Shankar, A. (2023). Underrated yet successful! A framework of invisible-disabled underdog entrepreneurs. Journal of Business Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.114199. (ABDC- A and ABS- 3).
Bhardwaj, S., Behl, A., & Pereira, V. (2023). Proposing an integrative data-analytics framework for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises: A systematic review substantiated by evidence from two case studies. Annals of Operation Research (ABDC-A) .
Bhardwaj, S., Rana, G. A., Behl, A., & de Caceres, S. J. G. (2023). Exploring the boundaries of Neuromarketing through systematic investigation. Journal of Business Research, 154, 113371. (ABDC- A)
Behl, V. Pereira, R. Sindhwani, S. Bhardwaj, A. Papa and Y. Hassan (2022). Improving Inclusivity of Digitalization for Employees in Emerging Countries Using Gamification, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, doi: 10.1109/TEM.2022.3216553. (ABDC -A)
Bhardwaj, S., & Sharma, D. (2022). Work-Life Integration and Resilience during the Pandemic: An Empirical Study on Working Professionals. European Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 5(1), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.33422/ejbs.v5i1.755
Bhardwaj, S., Sharma, S. & Gupta, B. (2022). Proposing an integrative framework as small business response to crisis evidenced from stakeholder perspective, OPUS Journal, 12 (1), 100-119.
Pereira, V., Behl, A., Jayawardena, N., Dwivedi, Y., & Bhardwaj, S. (2022). The art of gamifying digital gig work: a theoretical assessment of engagement and motivation. Production Planning and Control (PPC) (ABDC-A).
Bhardwaj, S. (2022). A Conceptual Approach: Relationship between crisis, resilience, and entrepreneurial actions, Global Business and Economic Review (GBER) (ABDC-C). (In print)
Bhardwaj, S. (2022). Data Analytics in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME), Information Resources Management Journal (IRMJ) (ABDC-C).
Sharma, S., Bhardwaj, S. & Gujral, H. (2019). Entrepreneurial Mindset for Success: An interview-based Study in Delhi & NCR, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8 (3), 128-135.
Sharma, S., Gujral, H. & Bhardwaj, S. (2019). Role of Emotional Intelligence in Entrepreneurial Intention, International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, 6 (2) XXVII.
Bhardwaj, S. & Patnaik, S. (2019). Challenges and Opportunities of People Analytics: Delphi method study, IUP Journal of Management Research, Special Issue on “Management Imperatives for Sustainable Growth”, XVIII (1), 7-23.
Bhardwaj, S. & Singh, A. (2018). Affective, Continuance and Normative Commitment among knowledge-based workforce its relationship and impact on ITES Industry, Journal of General Management Research, Bloomsbury India Publication, 5 (1), 75-85.
Bhardwaj, S. & Singh, A. (2018). Factors affecting employee attrition among engineers and non-engineers in manufacturing industry, Journal Business & IT, Czech Technical University, Prague VII (2), 26-34.
Bhardwaj, S., Sharma, V & Deepshikha (2017). A study on Multicultural communication in cross cultural teams at Workplace, BVIMSR Journal of Management Research, 9 (1), 60-65.
Gupta, S. & Bhardwaj, S. (2014). A study on the Relationships between MBTI Psychological Types and MODE Conflict Style, Asian Journal of Management Research, 5 (1-2).
Bhardwaj, S. (2014). Emotional and Family Influences in succession planning of Family-Owned Businesses wrt SMEs, Voice of Research Journal, 3 (1), 43-48.
Bhardwaj, S. (2013). Understanding personality pattern among Postgraduate students: Using 16 PF, Journal of Management Science (IIMS), 4 (2), 132-142.
Bhardwaj, S., Singh, K. & Jha, A. (2013). Techno stress among young IT professionals in India, AIMT Journal of Management, 3 (1& 2), ISSN 2277-4076.
Bhardwaj, S. (2013). Understanding behavior patterns among young professionals through Transactional Analysis, Journal of Management of Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, XI, ISSN 0972-8031.
Bhardwaj, S. (2013). Succession Planning: A study on patterns and practices in various nations, GGGI Management Review, ISSN 2249-4103.
Joshi, B. & Bhardwaj, S. (2012). Innovation, SME and Growth: A study of the Food Processing Industry, SSRN e-journal on IRPN Innovation & Management Science, e Journal Vol. 1 (23).
Bhardwaj, S. (2011). Cultural Intelligence (CQ): Effectiveness writ to BPO, International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT and Management, ISSN 2231-5756, 1 (3).
Bhardwaj, S. (2011). Competency Mapping as an HRM tool wrt Telecommunication Industry, Journal for business solution (JBS), ISSN 0974-4126, 4
Bhardwaj, S., & Sharma, S. (2024). Kochi Metro Rail Limited: A Transgender Inclusive Workplace, IVEY Publishing (Product # W34487)
Bhardwaj, S., Sharma, S. & Rishi, B. (2024). Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited: Employee Data Conundrum, IVEY Publishing (product # W34116)
Bhardwaj, S. & Sahoo, S. (2023). ESTINNO Energy: Battling against uncertainties to stay or exit, SAGE Business Cases Originals, https://doi.org/10.4135/9781071928172.
Bhardwaj, S. & Sharma, S. (2022). MDS Plastics: Crafting a Survival Strategy amidst a conflict between partners, Asian Journal of Management Cases (ABDC-C, ABS-1). https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/09728201231195125
Gupta, P. & Bhardwaj, S. (2022). Amazon: Battling the Allegations of Workers’ Abuse, Asian Journal of Management Cases (ABDC-C, ABS-1). (In print)
Gupta, P. & Bhardwaj, S. (2019). Starbucks – Striving to defend against the racism allegations, IVEY Publishing.
Book Chapters
Sharma, S., Bhardwaj, S., & Gupta, B. (2023). Algorithmic Control: A Disruption to Motivation of Gig Workers? A Critical Review. Multidimensional and Strategic Outlook in Digital Business Transformation: Human Resource and Management Recommendations for Performance Improvement, 1-14.
Sharma, S., & Bharadwaj, S. Variations in Entrepreneurial Outlook among Different Generations for Business Competitiveness in Emerging Economies. Entrepreneurship and Economic Sustainability, 16.
Bhardwaj, S. (2021). Competitive Advantage or Competitive Survival – Reimagining Strategic Management in ‘New Normal’, Emerging Dimensions of Business & Management in the Present-day Competitive Environment, 123-134.
Bhardwaj, S. (2019). Role of management and application of IOT in manufacturing Industry, New Age Business Practices, Bloomsbury India Publication.
Bhardwaj, S. & Singh, A. (2015). Tenure and Performance: A study on Middle managers, Managing Uncertainties of Business: A Strato-Techno Approach, 3E publication.
Bhardwaj, S. (2009). Performance management and appraisal system (Edited), Human Resource Development by Aswathapa, Mc Graw Publication.
Bhardwaj, S. (2009). Leadership in Indian Context (Edited), Leadership 6e by Hughes, Mc Graw Publication.
Bhardwaj, S. (2009). Training methods and techniques into Indian content, Training & Development by Neo, Mc Graw Publication.
Bhardwaj, S. (2008). Social Welfare, Collective Bargaining and Negotiation, Industrial Relation (Part II) Textbook, Vikas Publication.
Bhardwaj, S. (2008). Safety and efficiency, Industrial accidents and concept of efficiency, Organizational Behavior Textbook, Vikas
Bhardwaj, S. (2007). Organizational Intelligence, HRD Newsletter, HR magazine, 23 (30).
Conference Presentation
Bhardwaj, S., & Tyagi, V. (2023). Presenter, ‘Shaping the Proton: A Manager’s Paradox’ at 3rd AIMA-ICRC Case Writing Competition & Conference, India.
Gupta, B., Bhardwaj, S., & Lamba, J. (2022). Co-author, ‘Is Online Education System a Better Way of Learning? An Empirical Study from Learners’ Perspective’, International Conference – AGBA, Turkey.
Gupta, B., Bhardwaj, S., & Lamba, J. (2022). Co-author, “Dark Side of Industrialization on Environmental Sustainability and Climate change: A Case-based approach”, International Conference – AGBA, Turkey.
Sharma, S. & Bhardwaj, S. (2022). Co-author, “Does Algorithmic Control Impact the Motivation of Gig Workers? A Critical Review”, International Conference at BIMTECH.
Bhardwaj, S. & Sharma, D. (2021). Presenter, “Work life integration and resilience during the pandemic: An empirical study on working professionals”, 4th International Conference on Advanced Research in Social Sciences (ICARSS) at Oxford University.
Bhardwaj, S. (2019). Presenter, “Role of management and application of IOT in manufacturing Industry”, International Conference on New Age Business Practices (NABP), IILM Greater Noida.
Sharma, S. & Bhardwaj, S. (2019). Presenter, “Role of Emotional Intelligence in Entrepreneurial Intention”, Global Leadership Research Conference GLRC-2019, Amity Business School.
Sharma, S. & Bhardwaj, S. (2019). Presenter, “Entrepreneurial Mindset for Success: An interview-based Study in Delhi & NCR”, International Conference on Recent Advancements Management Science Technology Engineering and Law -2019, JIMS Greater Noida.
Bhardwaj, S. & Patnaik, S. (2018). Presenter, “Challenges and Opportunities of People Analytics: Delphi method study”, International Conference on Management Imperatives for Sustainable Growth, ICFAI Business School.
Bhardwaj, S. & Agrawal, R. (2018). Presenter, “Exploring the value differences across Family-owned manufacturing SMEs and its impact on Succession Planning”, International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Family Business (ICEFB), Shailesh J Mehta School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.
Bhardwaj, S. & Taneja, G. (2018). Presenter, “Factors affecting Middle Level Managers in Indian Banking Industry”, Fifteenth AIMS International Conference, IMT, Ghaziabad, Jan.
Bhardwaj, S. (2017). Presenter, “Inter-generational Succession- Second and third generation family-owned SMEs”, National seminar organized on Changing economic scenarios, Management Development Investment (MDI) and ASSOCHAM.
Sharma, V & Deepshikha & Bhardwaj, S. (2016). Presenter, “Multicultural communication in cross cultural teams at Workplace”, International conference on Media Communication and Sustainable Development, Army Institute of Management & Technology.
Bhardwaj, S. (2015). Presenter, “Tenure and Performance: A study on Middle managers”, International Conference 3E Innovative on Managing Uncertainties in Business.
Bhardwaj, S. (2013). Presenter, “Emotional Influences in Succession Planning wrt SMEs in India”, National Conference, Management Development Research Foundation.
Bhardwaj, S. (2013). Presenter, “Succession Planning as an outcome of emotional influence in family-owned businesses”, COSMAR, IISc Bangalore.
Singh, K. & Jha, A. & Bhardwaj, S. (2013). Presenter, “Techno- Stress: A vicious circle of imbalanced work life among youngster, BVIMR
Bhardwaj, S. (2010). Presenter, “Succession planning as competitive advantage in SMEs”, Annual Research Consortium, IIM Indore, Sep.
Bhardwaj, S. (2009). Presenter, “Innovation in HRM through strategic partnership”, National Conference in flexibility Management, Galgotia University.
Bhardwaj, S. (2009). Presenter, “Cross Cultural Sensitivities and Conflicts”, National Seminar on Workplace dynamics, Andhra University, Vizag.
Bhardwaj, S. (2009). Presenter, “Business Excellence: SHRM”, International Conference at University of Burdwan, West Bengal.
2022: JSW-BPSL: Post-acquisition Integration through OD Interventions, from Aug – Feb 2022. Six months diagnostic study on culture integration post-acquisition at Jharsuguda plat, Odisha (yet to start).
2021: Change Management Workshops in ERP Implementation of Coal India Ltd and its subsidiaries, from 2021-2023. Three years engagement across all branches and subsidiaries to execute ERP and go-live the project. The subsidiaries include WCL, CIL Kolkata and MCL.
2019: Policy report based on comparative study of policy orientation and key contributions of India, Singapore, Canada, USA, and Australia in collaboration with PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI). The report was published “Women Entrepreneurs: Transforming from household to financial independence” (ISBN 978-93-841145-77-4) and submitted to GoI.
2018:Providing support and mentoring to northeastern agropreneurs as HR domain expert under the NABARD program- AgriPulse’18. Consultancy includes mentoring sessions, online support, one-on-one guiding sessions and assisting in the accelerator period. 50 days engagement from 1st nov-20th Dec 2018. It involves providing market/institutional connections and exposing them to challenges faced in the domain of HR.
2023 Resource person in FDP on ‘Fundamentals of Qualitative & Quantitative Research Methods’ held at GIMS, Greater Noida, from 16-20th June. Total participants 20
2023 Resource person in FDP on ‘Outcome based Education’ held at KCC Institute of Management on 10th Feb, 2023. Total participants 50.
2023 Resource person in MDP on Strategic Leadership of senior MCL officers in Jan 2023. Total participants 25.
2022 Resource person in 6-days Odisha Financial Officers Mid-Career training on ‘Change and talent leadership’ from 26th-31st Dec 2022. Total participants 29.
2022 Invited as Expert in Faculty Development Programme conducted by Amity University, Mumbai from 12th-14th Oct 2022, on ‘Systematic literature review’. Total participants 54.
2022: Key speaker on ‘Integrated research into classroom teaching’ for an online international conference workshop at ICARSS, 23rd Aug 2022. Total 32 participants.
2022: Programme director for ‘4days Women leadership programme for MCL’, Jul. Total participants 20.
2022: Program Director for 4 days ‘Executive Development for TATA power employees’ conducted on campus, 9-12th May 2022. Total 24 participants.
2022: Invited as Speaker in ‘Emerald e-Nalanda consortium webinar’ for AKTU faculty and researchers on ‘Why, When and How to conduct a systematic literature review’. Total 50 participants
2022: Invited Trainer on ‘Positive Attitude’ in an online 5-days training of Developing Positive Attitude for Excellence at Work at VV Giri Labour Institute of India, Jan. Total 50 participants
2021: Programme director for ‘2days Women leadership programme for MCL’, Dec. Total participants 38.
2021: Programme Director for ‘5 days Senior management strategic leadership programme for MCL’ conducted in phase 1 and phase 2, Aug. Total 28 participants.
2021: Programme Director for ‘5 days Senior management strategic leadership programme for MCL’ conducted in phase 1 and phase 2, Oct. Total 32 participants.
2021: Resource person on ‘Change management’ in six-day Saksham-1 programme by IOCL, June. Total participants 35.
2021: Resource person on ‘Change management’ in six-day Saksham-2 programme by IOCL, Jan. Total participants 32.
2021: Resource person on “Designing an entrepreneurship course and its curriculum” in an AICTE approved FDP on entrepreneurship education conducted by Manav Rachna Education Foundation. Total participants 75.
2020: Resource person on ‘Change management’ in six-day Saksham-1 programme by IOCL, Dec. Total participants 34.
2020: Trainer in a half-day training of RBI Personnel on ‘Positive Attitude and Motivation’, Mar 4. Total participants 42.
2019: Trainer in training programme on Skill, Technology and Future of Work on ‘Change Management’, Jul. Total participants 25.
2019: Trainer in one week programme on Managing Work Effectively: A Behavioral Approach on “Emotional Intelligence”, Jun. Total participants 30.
2019: Trainer in a one-week training programme on “Positive Attitude”, Jun. Total participants 32.
2019: Trainer on ‘Positive Attitude’ in one week training programme on Gender Issues in Labor: A Behavioral Approach for Northeastern States’, May. Total participants 35.
2019: Trainer in Training Programme on Improving Organizational Culture for Maximizing Productivity on “Organization Behavior”, May. Total participants 35.
2018: Resource person in “Executive Compensation” in Independent Directors Programme of senior armed forces at MDI. Total participants 35.
2018: Trainer on “Knowing self and other” in a half day Mid-career Programme of Income Tax Officers at IIPA. Total participants 42.
2017: Trainer on “Transactional Analysis” in a half day CPWD Officers Orientation Programme at IIPA. Total participants 34.
2016: Programme Director of “Swagath” one-week MDP of Mid-level managers AXIS bank for one year. Every batch has 35 participants. (2016-17)
2016: Invited for a guest session on “Cross Cultural communication” in MDI. Total participants: 45.
2016: Invited as an expert in a dialogical workshop on “Spirituality at workplace” at IBA. Total participants 15.
2015: Resource person in two batches of MDP for Court Managers ofUttar Pradesh. Total trained 100 court managers.
2013-2015: Two years MDP resource person for Judicial Officers of Uttar Pradesh capacity building programme. Trained more than 1000 officers in 35 batches.