Dr.Rahul Kumar is an Assistant Professor in the area of Accounting and Finance at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Sambalpur. He holds a Ph.D. (Finance) from the Indian Institute of Management Ranchi. Before that, he did an MBA from Banaras Hindu University, and his bachelor’s in commerce from Delhi University, New Delhi. Dr.Rahul qualified for his UGC – NET (JRF) in the field of Management and Commerce in 2018. He is an active researcher and has several publications in nationally and internationally reputed journals. He is also a member of the British Association of Accounting and Finance (BAFA) and the British Academy of Management (BAM). His research interests are in the areas of Derivatives, Financial Markets, Corporate Finance, Investments and Portfolio Management, and Corporate Restructuring. He also reviews research papers in several reputed journals published by SAGE and Emerald.
Kumar, R., & Chakrabarti, P. (2022). Price Impact of Derivatives Listing and Delisting: Evidence from India. The Indian Economic Journal, 00194662221137261. (ABDC – B)
Pandey, D. K., & Kumar, R. (2022). Russia-Ukraine War and the global tourism sector: A 13-day tale. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-9. (ABDC – A)
Gupta, D., Kumar, R., & Chattopadhyay, S. (2022). The impact of corporate spin-offs on shareholders’ wealth: Empirical evidence from India. Cogent Economics & Finance, 10(1), 2109277. (ABDC – B)
Pandey, D. K., & Kumar, R. (2021). Lockdown, unlock, stock returns, and firm-specific characteristics: the Indian tourism sector during the Covid-19 outbreak. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-7. (ABDC – A)
Kumar, R., Bhatia, P., & Gupta, D. (2021). The impact of the covid-19 outbreaks on the Indian stock market–a sectoral analysis. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 334-346. (ABDC – B)
Kumar, R., Bhatia, P., & Chattopadhyay, S. (2021). The Impact of Leverages and Operating Efficiency on Market Value Added: Empirical Evidence from India. Vision, 0972262921992152. (ABDC – C)
Pandey, D. K., Kumar, R., & Kumari, V. (2023). Glasgow climate pact and the global clean energy index constituent stocks. International Journal of Emerging Markets, (ahead-of-print). (ABDC – B)
Kumari, V., Kumar, R., & Pandey, D. K. (2022). Restrictions on air travel to India and the global airline industry-An event study and cross-sectional approach. Asia Pacific Management Review. (ABDC – C)
Kumar, R, (2023, March). “The role of the contract specification in market quality of the derivatives instruments: Evidence from India” In 20234th SEBI-NISM Research Conference-2023, India
Kumar, R, & Gupta, D., (2022, August). “Impact of Russian Invasion on Ukraine on the Global Financial Market” In 2022 The British Academy of Management Doctoral Symposium – 2022, United Kingdom
Kumar, R, &Chakarbarti, P., (2022, April). “Effect of Modification of Contract Size on the Market Quality” In 2022 The British Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference – 2022, United Kingdom
Kumar, R., & Kaur, R. (2021, October). “A Comparative Study of US and Indian Equity Markets – An Analysis of Covid-19 Scenarios”. In 2021 1st International Conference “Frontiers in International Finance and Banking” 2021, Russia
Ashraf, S.A, & Kumar, R. (2021, May). “Examining the impact of FinTechs in extending capital access to MSMEs” In 2021 International Conference on Information Resources Management (Conf-IRM 2021), Austria
Kumar, R. & Bhatia, P. (2021, November). “Relationship between Indian Stock Market Index and Macroeconomic Variables”. In 2021 Rajagiri Conference on Economic and Finance, Rajagiri Business School (RBS) and Rajagiri College of Social Sciences (Autonomous) in association with The Indian Econometric Society (TIES) and Waikato Management School, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Bhatia, P, & Kumar, R. (2021, December). “Do debt, and operating efficiency plays a valuable role in corporate performance?” In 2021 21st Workshop on Accounting and Finance Research in Emerging Economies Programme – 2021, The British Accounting and Finance Association- Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies (Special Interest Group), United Kingdom
Bhatia, P, & Kumar, R. (2021, December). “Does debt and operating efficiency matter?” In 2021 BRAWIJAYA International Conference on Business Economics and Finance 2021, Faculty of Economics & Business Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
Kumari, S., & Kumar, R. (2021, December). “An Optimization Model for Capturing CO2 Emission from Power Plants”. In 2021 ISDSI- Global Conference, Indian Institute of Management Nagpur.
Kumari, S., Bera, S. & Kumar, R. (2020, February). “Operational & Financial Perspective of Carbon Capture & Storage”. In 2020 International Conference on Energy and Infrastructure Management, School of Petroleum Management, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar.
Bhatia, P, & Kumar, R. (2021, July). “How operating efficiency and leverage impact firm profitability: In the context of Indian firms listed on BSE”. In 2021 First Virtual International Conference on Sustainable Finance, Economics & Accounting in The Pre- and Post- Pandemic Era 2021, II Jammu, India
Kumar, R., Gupta, D. & Dutta, S.K. (2020, February). “Analysis of the Two-wheeler segment in the Automobile Industry: The Resurgence of the Scooters segment in India”. In 2020 22nd Annual Convention of Strategic Management Forum (SMF 2020), IIM Ranchi, India
The SoFiE Financial Econometrics Summer School: “The Econometrics of Derivative Markets” Kellogg School of Management | Northwestern University. | July’19-July’23 2021
7th Summer School on Empirical Finance and Accounting Research by The Financial Research and Trading Laboratory | Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta. | May’01-May’10 2022
Best Paper Award (Young Researcher) at the Fourth SEBI-NISM Research Conference on “Indian Securities Markets – The Next Agenda”, March 2023 held at National Institute of Securities Markets, Mumbai
Best Presentation Award at International Conference on Energy and Infrastructure Management, February 2020 held at Pandit Deen Dayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar
British Academy of Management
British Accounting and Finance Association
The SoFiE Financial Econometrics Summer School: “The Econometrics of Derivative Markets” Kellogg School of Management | Northwestern University. | July’19-July’23 2021
7th Summer School on Empirical Finance and Accounting Research by The Financial Research and Trading Laboratory | Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta. | May’01-May’10 2022
• Best Presentation Award at International Conference on Energy and Infrastructure Management, February 2020 held at PanditDeenDayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar